
May 21, 2009


lowongan kerja webmaster ( web programming and design )

sebuah Software Developer di kota malang membutuhkan posisi webmaster dengan kualifikasi :
- Minimal D1.
- Mahir Web Scripting (HTML,CSS,PHP,Javascript,MySQL).
- Familiar dengan CMS (Wordpress, Joomla).
- Mahir software grafis & animasi (corel draw / photoshop / flash).
- Familiar dengan PHP Framework (code igniter) adalah nilai plus.
- Fresh Graduate are welcomed.

job deskripsi :
- maintenance website.
- membuat modul dan theme baru jika diperlukan.
- membuat desain-desain promo (banner, brosur, icon, dll).
- ke depannya menjadi instruktur pelatihan web.

kirimkan lamaran berupa :
- lamaran kerja
- curiculum vitae
- porftolio
- pas foto 4×6
- fotokopi ktp
- fotokopi ijazah

benefit :
- Gaji bulanan
- Insentif
- Akses internet
- Hari kerja senin - jumat
- Jam kerja 9 pagi - 5 sore

syarat tambahan :
- Membawa ijazah asli pendidikan terakhir, ketika pelamar diterima kerja.
- Menjalani kontrak kerja per 3 bulan.

lamaran dikirimkan ke :
Radian Multi Prima
Gedung Primagama lt 2
jl jaksa Agung Suprapto 56 Malang

Paling lambat 1 Juni 2009


Kategori :+ Administration + Clerical Support + Secretarial
Posisi :Librarian Staff, Secretary
Lokasi :Jakarta, D.K.I. Jakarta
Media :Kompas
Pendidikan :Diploma
Pengalaman Kerja:0-1 tahun
Jenis Kelamin :Pria & Wanita
Gaji :Not Specified
Tanggal Terbit :2009-05-20
Tanggal Tutup :2009-05-30


PT PHAROS INDONESIA urgently Required

A. Librarian Staff
- Male max 30 years old
- Min Diploma or Bachelor Degree In Literary Works
- Willing to be posted in Jakarta/Bandung/Surabaya/Medan

B. Secretary
- Female max 25 years olds
- Min. Diploma in secretary
- Priority is given to those domicile in South and West Jakarta

If you match whit our requirement, send your comprehensive Curriculum vitae (state preferred position in the right side of the envelope) to:

Recruitment department - PT PHAROS INDONESIA
Jl. Limo No. 40 Permata Hijau Kebayoran Lama, Jakarta Selatan 12220
or by e-mail to :


Kategori :+ Engineering
Posisi :Engineering Department Manager, Security Manager
Lokasi :Jakarta, D.K.I. Jakarta
Media :Kompas
Pendidikan :Sarjana/S1
Pengalaman Kerja:5-10 tahun
Jenis Kelamin :Pria & Wanita
Gaji :Not Specified
Tanggal Terbit :2009-05-20
Tanggal Tutup :2009-05-30


Kami PT. NIPPON SUISAN INDONESIA, Perusahaan PMA Jepang yang bergerak di bidang Shrimp Culturing terintegerasi (Hatching, Culturing, dan Processing) yang lokasi di Pulau Seram Maluku, Mencari SDM untuk Posisi :

1. Engineering Department Manager
- S1 Teknik Listrik / Mesin lulusan Universitas Terkemuka
- Laki-laki usia 35-40 Thn.
- Pengalaman sebagai Manager minimal 5 Tahun.
- Mengerti TPM Power House, Heavy Equipment, Compressor, dll.
- Lebih disukai bisa bahasa Inggris / Jepang aktif.
- Menguasai Komputer Minimal Ms. Office.
- Memiliki skill managerial dan jiwa kepemimpinan.

2. Security Manager
- S1 Hukum, atau yang berhubungan dengan bidangnya.
- Laki-laki Usia Max 40 thn.
- Berpengalaman sebagai Manager Security minimal 5 th
- Berpengalaman mengatur anggota security lebih dari 100 orang.
- Memiliki jaringan yang luas dengan instansi kepolisian di Maluku.
- Mengerti prosedur Healt, Safety, dan Environment.
- Mampu mendesign semua prosedur kerja security.
- Menguasai Komputer minimal Ms. Office
- Lowongan ini Terbuka juga bagi Purnawirawan Polisi / Militer berpangkat terakhir minimal kapten.

Bagi anda yang memenuhi syarat, kirimkan segera CV, Surat Lamaran, dan Photo terbaru anda paling tambat 14 hari setelah penayangan iklan ini melalui email ke alamat Jangan lupa cantumkan posisi yang dilamar pada subject email anda.

PT Pioneerindo Gourment Internationl, Tbk

Kategori :+ Food & Beverage
Lokasi :Jakarta, D.K.I. Jakarta
Media :Kompas
Pendidikan :Diploma
Pengalaman Kerja:10-15 tahun
Jenis Kelamin :Pria & Wanita
Gaji :Not Specified
Tanggal Terbit :2009-05-20
Tanggal Tutup :2009-05-30


Sapo Oriental, Restoran Keluarga mencari kandidat untuk posisi :


- Minimal 10 tahun pengalaman kerja sebagai Cook di restoran atau hotel.
- Menguasai masakan Chinese Food & Oriental Food.
- Pekerja keras, dapat diandalkan dan mau mengembangkan diri.
- Bersedia bekerja shift.

Kirimkan lamaran lengkap (riwayat hidup, nomor telepon, foto copy ijazah & transkrip nilai, KTP, pasfoto terbaru, referensi kerja) ke:
HR Department
PT Pioneerindo Gourment Internationl, Tbk
Gedung jaya Lt 6, Jl. MH. Thamrin No 12, jakarta 10340

PT.Nusa Cakrawala Sejati

Kategori :+ Other
Posisi :Distributor
Lokasi :Jakarta, D.K.I. Jakarta
Media :Kompas
Pendidikan :Diploma
Pengalaman Kerja:5-10 tahun
Jenis Kelamin :Pria & Wanita
Gaji :Not Specified
Tanggal Terbit :2009-05-20
Tanggal Tutup :2009-05-30


German Style High class uPVC System Window
Energy saving and safe environment uPVC System Window
Dicari Distributor untuk wilayah Jakarta (Jabodetabek)

Persyaratan :
Berpengalaman dalam Bidang Building Kontraktor, Konsultan Architecture, & Pemasaran Building Material min. 5 Thn.
Bank Guarantee

Keterangan lebih lanjut, hubungi :

Sdr : Ronianto / Irfan
Ph : 021-65701642 ( Direct )
Fax: 021-65701653
email :

PT. Sinergy Informasi Pratama

Kategori :+ Engineering
Posisi :Staf Engineer, Staf Marketing
Lokasi :Jakarta, D.K.I. Jakarta
Media :Kompas
Pendidikan :Sarjana/S1
Pengalaman Kerja:1-2 tahun
Jenis Kelamin :Pria & Wanita
Gaji :Not Specified
Tanggal Terbit :2009-05-20
Tanggal Tutup :2009-05-30


PT. Sinergy Informasi Pratama (SIP) is an IT System Integrator company which has achieved many experiences in networking field. Our world class principals such as Cisco, Sun, IBM, and HP trust us as their Business Partner. We are engaged in providing mission-critical enterprise systems telecommunications companies, financial institutions, and other numerous enterprises.

Staf Marketing :
- GPA min. is 3.0
- Has Experience 1 year
- Proven English for Spaking and writing
- Good looking, attitude and working in a team

Staf Engineer:
- Min. S1 Electrical Engineering or Computer
- GPA min. is 3.0
- Having CCNA is a must and CCNP (Be advantage)
- Age Max 28 years old, experience min 1 year

Please send your Resume, Copy Of Certificate CV and Photo at:
PT. Sinergy Informasi Pratama
Jl. Puri Raya Blok A.2/3 No. 33-35 Jakarta Barat 11610 (Gedung Inlingua) Jakarta Barat
or email:

PT Oto Multiarta

Kategori :+ Education
Posisi :INSTRUCTOR, HR Officer
Lokasi :Bogor, Jawa Barat
Media :Kompas
Pendidikan :Sarjana/S1
Pengalaman Kerja:1-2 tahun
Jenis Kelamin :Pria & Wanita
Gaji :Not Specified
Tanggal Terbit :2009-05-20
Tanggal Tutup :2009-06-01


Kami Perusahaan Pembiayaan Otomotif (Mobil & Motor) yang merupakan anak perusahaan SUMITOMO CORPORATION JAPAN, mengajak Anda bergabung dalam Human Resources Team untuk posisi:

Lingkup kerja: Menganalisa kebutuhan training, menyusun materi dan manyampaikan training
Usia maks. 33th, IPK min 2.75. Memiliki pengalaman mengajar/pembicara/ konsultan min. 3 th. Mampu membuat silabus/materi training, Bersedia ditempatkan di Bogor.
-Level Assistant Manager (mendapatkan fasilitas Car Ownership Program)

Lingkup pekerjaan:Membantu instruktur dalam menganalisa kebutuhan training, menyusun mates training
Usia 24-28th IPK min.3,00, Mempunyai pengalaman mengajar/ asisten Dosen min 1 th, Bersedia ditempatkan di Bogor.

Lingkup kerja : Mengorganisir event training
Usia maks. 27 th, IPK min. 2,75, bersedia ditempatkan di Bogor.

HR Officer (HRO)
Mempersiapkan para profesional muda potensial dan tertarik di bidang Human Resources untuk menjadi HR Officer
Usia maks. 25th., IPK min. 3.00

Kualifikasi Umum:
Pria/Wanita. Pendidikan S1/S2 dari segala jurusan (MIPA, Teknik, Sastra, FISIP, Ekonomi, Psikologi, Hukum dll),

Kompetensi umum:
Memiliki hubungan interpersonal yang baik, memiliki jiwa analisa dan konseptual yang tajam, memiliki keinginan untuk mengembangkan diri dan mengembangkan orang lain, aktif dan komunikatif.

Kirimkan lamaran, CV, Fc KTP (Wajib), Foto 4x6 dan lampiran pendukung lainnya ke:
P0. BOX 6983 JKS-ST 12069
Atau via e-mail ke: (hanya FLK* dan Foto)
Cantumkan kode jabatan pada sudut kiri atas amplop lamaran
atau pada subjek e-mail.

Lamaran paling lambat kami terima pada tanggal 1 Juni 2009
Hanya lamaran yang memenuhi kualifikasi yang akan diproses

*Formulir Lamaran Kerja dapat didownload di

PT Binatek Rika Energi

Kategori :+ Call Centre
Posisi :Call Center
Lokasi :Jakarta Selatan, D.K.I. Jakart
Media :Kompas
Pendidikan :Diploma
Pengalaman Kerja:0-1 tahun
Jenis Kelamin :Pria & Wanita
Gaji :Not Specified
Tanggal Terbit :2009-05-20
Tanggal Tutup :2009-05-30



PT Binatek Rika Energi, membutuhkan tenaga kerja dengan kualifikasi sbb:

1. Pria & Wanita
2. Maks 27 tahun fresh graduates dan 35 tahun (pengalaman di call center)
3. Pendidikan min D3 dengan IPK > 2.5
4. Belum Menikah
5. Mampu mengetik dan menulis cepat
6. Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi verbal yang baik
7. mampu berbahasa Inggris dengan baik dan lancar
8. Dalam kondisi kesehatan yang baik
9. bersedia bekerja shift

Kirim atau antarkan langsung, CV Lengkap dan foto berwarna terbaru ukuran 4x6 ke:
PT Binatek reka Energi
Pusat Niaga Duta mas Fatmawati Blok C1 No 2-3
Jl. RS Fatmawati No.39 Jakarta Selatan
Telepon 021 727 90 151-4


Kategori :+ Banking + Finance + Securities
Lokasi :Jakarta, D.K.I. Jakarta
Media :Kompas
Pendidikan :Diploma
Pengalaman Kerja:0-1 tahun
Jenis Kelamin :Pria & Wanita
Gaji :Not Specified
Tanggal Terbit :2009-05-20
Tanggal Tutup :2009-05-30


Kami Perusahaan Pialang Terkemuka di Indonesia yang pertama menggunakan fasilitas online dalam bertransaksi membutuhkan


Denqan Kriteria sbb:
a. Pria/Wanita Min. 22-35th
b. Min. D3 Segala Jurusan
c. Pengalaman di bidang Future (lebih di utamakan)
d. Mampu Bekerja keras, Bekerja dengan Team & mempunyai relasi yang luas

Bagi yang Lolos seleksi kami memberikan Benefit:
- Basic Salary, Bonus, Komisi
- Kendaraan Operasional
- Training Intensif

Silahkan kirim CV lengkap, Foto terbaru paling lambat 2 minggu setelah iklan terbit ke alamat di bawah ini:
Senayan City, Panin Tower Lt, 22
Jl. Asia Afrika Lot 19, Jkt 10270
Attn: Tati Kusuma
Atau send email ke:

May 7, 2009

Pertamina buka Lowongan Kerja Tahap III April - Juni 2009

PT Pertamina (Persero) adalah badan usaha milik Negara (BUMN) yang bergerak dibidang penambangan minyak dan gas bumi (migas) di Indonesia. Saat ini, Pertamina berkomitmen mendorong proses transformasi internal dan pengembangan yang berkelanjutan guna mencapai standar international dalam pelaksanaan operasional dan tata kelola lingkungan yang lebih baik, serta peningkatan kinerja perusahaan sebagai sasaran bersama. Sebagai perusahaan migas nasional, Pertamina berkomitmen untuk mewujudkan keseimbangan antara pencapaian keuntungan dengan kualitas layanan publik. Dengan 51 tahun pengalaman menghadapi tantangan di lingkungan geologi di Indonesia, Pertamina merupakan perintis pengembangan usaha gas alam cair atau Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG).
Masa waktu registrasi on-line untuk kelompok Fresh Graduate adalah sepanjang tahun (opened application). Pengumuman dan tahap tes akan dibagi menjadi beberapa gelombang selama setahun. Masa waktu registrasi on-line gelombang kedua telah ditutup pada tanggal 6 April 2009 pukul 24.00.
  1. Masa waktu registrasi on-line gelombang ketiga akan dibuka mulai 7 April 2009 hingga 30 Juni 2009 . Pengumuman gelombang ketiga adalah tanggal 18 Juli 2009 . Registrasi on-line gelombang ketiga akan dibuka setelah gelombang kedua ditutup.
  2. Aplikasi yang masuk tidak secara on-line, dianggap tidak berlaku.

Untuk melakukan registrasi online atau melihat posisi yang tersedia silahkan kunjungi link website rekutmen Pertamina.
Sumber : pertamina | yakuza-ku|kejamdunia

Lowongan Kerja PT Catur Shaw Brother

Kategori :+ Mix Positions
Posisi :Sales Consultant, Cashier & Admin, Driver
Lokasi :Bali, Bali
Media :Jawa Pos
Pendidikan :SLTA
Pengalaman Kerja:0-1 tahun
Jenis Kelamin :Pria & Wanita
Gaji :Not Specified
Posting Date :2009-05-04
Due Date :2009-05-12


PT Catur Shaw Brother, perusahaan retail berskala intemasional mencarl kandidat untuk mengisi posisi :

1. Sales Consultant (SC) :
- Pria / Wanita
- usia max 26 tahun
- pendidikan SMU / sederajat (memiliki pengl. dalam penjualan) / D3

2. Installer ( INS) :
- Pria
- usia max 30 tahun
- pendidikan SMU / SMK berbadan sehat

3. Cashier & Admin (CSH) :
- Wanita
- usia max 25 tahun
- pendidikan SMU / sederajat (memiliki pengalaman) / D3
- berpenampilan baik

4. Deputy Showroom Manager (DSM):
- Pria / Wanita
- usia max 30 tahun pendidikan min D3
- berpengalaman di bidang retail supermarket/hypermarket

5. Distribution Supervisor (DS) :
- Pria
- usia max 30 tahun
- pendidikan min D3
- berpengalaman dibidang distribusi

6. Showroom Manager (SM) :
- Pria / Wanita
- usia max 35 tahun
- pendidikan S1
- berpengalaman di level manajerial min 2 tahun di bidang retail (bidang penjualan furniture diutamakan)

7. Driver ( DRIVER) :
- Pria
- usia max 35 tahun
- pendidikan min SMU / sederajat memiliki SIM B1

Semua posisi ditempatkan di Bali.

Code jabatan dicantumkan dipojok kiri atas, dikirimkan ke:
PO BOX 6909 JKBKD atau e-mail ke


Kategori :+ Chemical
Lokasi :Kediri, Jawa Timur
Media :Jawa Pos
Pendidikan :Sarjana/S1
Pengalaman Kerja:2-5 tahun
Jenis Kelamin :Pria & Wanita
Gaji :Not Specified
Posting Date :2009-05-04
Due Date :2009-05-16


Sebuah perusahaan Nasional dengan berabgai produk agrochemical yang berkualitas, membutuhkan:

- Memiliki pengalaman kerja pada posisi yang sama minimal 2 tahun pada perusahaan Agrochemical dengan track record yang sukses.
- Memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan yang kuat, motivasi yang tinggi dan kemampuan negosiasi yang bagus.
- Menguasai wilayah Jawa & Indonesia bagian Timur

- Pria S1 pertanian
- Memiliki pengalaman dalam pemasaran produk-produk kimia pertanian
- Termotivasi untuk pencapain target, bertanggungjawab dan terbiasa dengan pekarjaan lapangan.
- Menguasai Wilayaj Jawa Timur.

Kirim lamaran dengan cantumkan kode posisi di pojok kanan atas amplop ke:
Via Email:

Lowongan Kerja PT. KINGFURN International

Kategori :+ Other
Lokasi :Gresik, Jawa Timur
Media :Jawa Pos
Pendidikan :Diploma
Pengalaman Kerja:2-5 tahun
Jenis Kelamin :Pria & Wanita
Gaji :Not Specified
Posting Date :2009-05-04
Due Date :2009-05-15


PT. KINGFURN International
A European furniture company located in Gresik invites qualified and self motivated candidates to apply for the following position:


- Male/Female aged 25-35 years
- Min. D3 from reputable University
- Min. 3 years experience In furniture company
- Able to communicate (orally & writing) in English is an advantage
- Applicants that are able to build template/Jig for furniture will be given preference

Interested applicants are invited to forward written application in English to:
Email :
P.0.Box 152 Gresik
Not later than 15 May 2009, only short listed candidates will contacted for an interview.

Lowongan Kerja PT Kutai Timber Indonesia

Kategori :+ Engineering
Lokasi :Probolinggi, Jawa Timur
Media :Jawa Pos
Pendidikan :SLTA
Pengalaman Kerja:1-2 tahun
Jenis Kelamin :Pria & Wanita
Gaji :Not Specified
Posting Date :2009-05-04
Due Date :2009-05-14


Kami, PT Kutai Timber Indonesia, anak perusahaan dan PT Sumitomo Forestry Jepang yang bergerak dalam industri perkayuan sejak tahun 1970, membutuhkan karyawan untuk kapal pengangkut log bahan baku untuk posisi :


- Pria, max40 Tahun
- Sertifikat ANT I /ANT II untuk posisi No.1
- Sertifikat ANT I /ANT II untuk posisi No.2
- Sertifikat ANT II /ANT III untuk posisi No.3
- Semua posisi pengalaman 1 tahun
- Buku pelaut dan passport yg masihh berlaku & Sertifikat Wajib perwira untuk dek dan mesin

Spesifikasi Kapal:
- DWT : 6565.07 ton, HP :3300, TYPE:CARGO
- LINE: Perairan Indonesia / Internasional (Singapore & Papua New Guinea)

Lamaran ke:
Jl. Tanjung Tembaga Baru/pelabuhan Probolinggo-Jawa Timur 67201

Paling lambat 14 Mei 2009


Kategori :+ Accounting + Audit + Taxation
Posisi :Accounting Manager, Staff Internal Audit
Lokasi :Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur
Media :Jawa Pos
Pendidikan :SLTA
Pengalaman Kerja:2-5 tahun
Jenis Kelamin :Pria & Wanita
Gaji :Not Specified
Posting Date :2009-05-04
Due Date :2009-05-16


Perusahaan Publik yang bergerak dalem bidang percetakan dokumen niaga yang terintegrasi, modern dan Innovatif memberikan kesempatan kerja untuk posisi :

1. Factory Manager (FM)
2. Accounting Manager (AM)
3. Kepala Bagian Cetak (KC)
4. Staff Internal Audit (SIA)
5. Marketing Eksekutif (ME)
6. Operator Maintenance (OM)
7. Management Trainee Produksi (MTP)
8. Anggota Security (AS)

a. S1/S2 Teknik Industri/Manufakmr (1), S1 Ekonomi Akuntansi (2, 4), S1 Teknik Mesin/Industri/Elektro/Manufaktur/Grafika (3, 7), S1 Ekonomi Manajemen (5) SLTA/SMK Mesin/Listrik (6, 8)
b. IPK min:3.00(2,3,4,5)dan min:3.25(1,7)
c. Pengalaman dibidang yang sama min :2 tahun (1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6)
d. Diutamakan menguasai masalah Perpajakan dan Teknologi Informasi (2)
e. Diutamakan memiliki kendaraan sendiri dan bersedia kerja lembur (5, 6, 8)
f. Memiliki kemampuan dibidang Mesin bubut (6)
g. Kreatif, pro-aktif, positif attitude dan solusi oriented (1 s/d 8)
h. Memiliki kemampuan leadership & managerial skill (1, 2, 3, 7)
i. Diutamakan berpengalaman dalam membawahi min. 400 orang di Produksi, Maintenance dan PPIC (1)
j. Lancar berbahasa Inggris lisan dun tertulis (1), diutamakan Mandarin (5)

Surat Lamaran disertai kode jabatan di pojok kiri atas ampkap, Cv, transkrip, dan pas foto terbaru, serta lampiran lain yang diperlukan dapat dikirim atau diemail ke:

Jl. raya Betro No. 21 Sedati Sidoarjo 61253
Email :

Lowongan Kerja PT Schneider Electric Manufacturing Batam

Kategori :+ Accounting + Audit + Taxation
Lokasi :Batam, Kepulauan Bangka Belitu
Media :Kompas
Pendidikan :Sarjana/S1
Pengalaman Kerja:2-5 tahun
Jenis Kelamin :Pria & Wanita
Gaji :Not Specified
Posting Date :2009-05-05
Due Date :2009-05-09


PT. Schneider Electric Manufacturing Batam
As a global specialist in energy management with operations in more than 100 countries, Schneider Electric offers integrated solutions across multiple market segments, including leadership positions in energy and infrastructure, industrial processes, building automation, and data centers/networks, as well as a broad presence in residential applications. Focused on making energy safe, reliable, and efficient, the company's 114,000 employees achieved sales of more than 18.3 billion euros in 2008, through an active commitment to help individuals and organizations "Make the most of their energy." To face the current business challenges, we require proficient, efficient, and highly motivated individuals for the following positions.

Requirements :
- Degree in Electrical or Industrial Engineering background
- Having 3 - 5 years experience in project management & industrial field
- Able to manage new project and project transfer from overseas in term of industrial process, supply chain and quality
- Having strong knowledge to conduct feasibility study, optimize manufacturing resources and implement manufacturing process
- Monitor industrial performance in order to drive decision making (forecast cost, calculate, calculate profitability, etc)
- Having strong leadership to lead and manage team within outside APOD (Asia Pacific Operating Division), anticipate potential issues, and skill to verify the productivity achieved
- Having good analytical to ensure quality & customer satisfaction on product & processes during transfer.

- Diploma or Degree in Electronic and Mechanical Engineering background
- Having tools skills in : ECAD system, Ptotel and CADENCE Symphony, CODA, 3D CAD System, Pro-E, PDM and SAP.
- Having technical skills in : Analog design, power supply, PCB routing, EMC, Mechanical Packaging, Electromechanical and electrical contacts, plastic molded and stamping parts, tolerancing and having experience in assembling processes, automation processes and products knowledge.
- Having method skills in : Project/portfolio management, Six Sigma, FMECA.
- Having strong will to reach the objectives, to achieve curios, and will to discover team spirit.

- Degree in Mechanical Engineering / Mechatronics with good achievements
- Having 3 years experience in manufacturing company and familiar with PCBA and Industrialization area.
- Having knowledge in maintenance and productivity / quality improvements of product lines and automation.

- Degree in Industrial Engineering, Electrical, Electronic background.
- Having 3 years experience in manufacturing company as Production Supervisor.
- Familiar with SAP system (PP Module) is an advantage

- Degree from reputable university majoring in Accounting
- Having at least 3 years experience in financial accounting at manufacturing company and/or accounting firm as financial auditor
- Able to handle full sets of accounts (AP/AR/GL) and having knowledge of taxes
- Strong understanding of Accounting principles (PSAK)

- Degree in Mechanical, Electrical, Electronic Engineering background
- Having 3 years experience in manufacturing
- Able to design production benches for new or existing production line, manual and semi
- automatic assembly line machines, jigs and fixtures.

Requirements :
- Degree in Electronic, Electrical or Mechatronic Engineering background with good achievements - Having 3 years experience in manufacturing company as Test / Maintenance Engineer of electric or electronic products
- Able to write/modify test programs and understand control system
- Having knowledge in manufacturing and design robotic.
- Familiar with PLC (prefer MODICON PLC will be advantage), Visual Basic 6 or .netVisual C++, Servo Motor Stepper Motor, Pneumatics system
- Highly motivated and capable of producing analysis to eliminate equipment downtime, spare parts usage, preventive maintenance.

- Degree in Industrial Engineering or Electronic Engineering and Management background - Having 3 years experience as Buyer in manufacturing company
- Having knowledge and experience in Place Order on time and follow up delivery, Shortage and Excess Follow Up, Analyze Inventory level & put reasonable safety stock, Supplier Management. - Familiar with SAP system (MM Module) is amust.

Requirements :
- Degree in Electronic Engineering
- Having 3 years experience in manufacturing company as a Planner
a Having knowledge and experience to ensure On Time Delivery to Customer, to ensure and monitoring production performance as following, to communicate with customer (global), on customer needs and delivery schedule, develop production plan based on line capacity & customer priority.
- Familiar with SAP system is a must.

- Degree in Mechanical / Electronics/ Electrical Engineering with minimum 3 years experience on high volume Manufacturing environment
- Exposure to PCBA environment will be an advantage
- Good and strong understanding of Statisitical Process Control (SPC) ; 8-D problem solving and FMEA methodology
- 6 sigma green belt trained or equivalent is preferred for Continuous Improvement project.
- Able to communicate with all level and department and demonstrate leadership skill to drive for excellent quality performance

General Requirements :
1. The candidate must have good command in English, and knowledge in French is added advantage
2. The candidate must have strong interpersonal
and analytical skill with ability to work as part
of team, fast learning and have positive attitude.
3. Willing to stay in Batam

Please send your application, resume, copy of qualifications and recent photograph
within 7 days to:
HRD Department
PT Schneider Electric Manufacturing Batam
Jl Beringin Lot 04 BIP Muka Kuning - Batam,
Indonesia, or:
Email to:

Lowongan Kerja PT Bright Consulting

Kategori :+ Manufacturing
Posisi :Mill Operations Manager
Lokasi :Medan, Sumatra Utara
Media :Kompas
Pendidikan :Sarjana/S1
Pengalaman Kerja:2-5 tahun
Jenis Kelamin :Pria & Wanita
Gaji :Not Specified
Posting Date :2009-05-05
Due Date :2009-05-16


A PMA manufacturing company based in Medan is looking for qualified Candidates to fill the
position of:

Mill Operations Manager (MOM)

Reporting to the General Manager, this position is primarily responsible for the overall operations of the mill, which cover QA department, manufacturing & engineerin
e mee mg o pro uction target and quality specification as required by Customers, and operate the mill in accordance to ISO requirements.

General Qualifications:
- University graduate minimum S1 degree, preferably with Chemical engineering
- Have at least three years experience in managerial levels in industrial companies
- Strong leadership and good communication skills
- Able to make decision effectively
- Good written and spoken English
- Able to motivate both himself and his staff to achieve company objectives
- Male, age between 30-40 years
- Willing to work in Medan

Interested candidates, please send your resume in English with phone contact number, relevant documents and recent photograph within 2 weeks to: or directly via mail to PT Bright Consulting, Menara Thamrin Lt.5 Suite 505, JI. M.H. Thamrin Kay 3, Jakarta 10250

Lowongan Kerja PT. Indomobil Sukses Internasional Tbk

Kategori :+ Accounting + Audit + Taxation
Lokasi :Jakarta, D.K.I. Jakarta
Media :Kompas
Pendidikan :Sarjana/S1
Pengalaman Kerja:2-5 tahun
Jenis Kelamin :Pria & Wanita
Gaji :Not Specified
Posting Date :2009-05-05
Due Date :2009-05-16


We are one of the largest automotive group in Indonesia. Due to our rapid expansion, we invite qualified candidates to fill the following vacant positions:

S1 graduated from Faculty of Law, not more than 45 years old, experience at least 3 years in the same position at plant / manufacturing, good understanding on manpower regulation, familiar with negotiation strategies with the labor union, good communication skills in English - oral and written, computer literate (MS Office).

S1 graduated from Accounting, not more than 35 years old (FAM) and 30 years old (FAA), good understanding on PSAK and IAS, minimum 6 years experience in finance & accounting field, good understanding on tax, have ability to produce and analyze finance reports, computer literate (MS Office).

If you feel that you meet the above requirements, please send your application letter including your CV, latest diploma & academic transcript, reference letter, and recent photograph not later than 2 weeks from the date of this advertisement to:
PT. Indomobil Sukses Internasional Tbk
Wisma Indomobil 1, Lantai 11
JI. MT. Haryono Kay. 8, Jakarta 13330

please indicate position code follow with your name on e-mail subject, i.e: (FAM)

May 4, 2009

Online MBA Degree Programs

The decision to pursue an Online MBA could not be made at a better time. Employers today are demanding more education from their employees than ever before. An accredited online MBA degree will carry significant value in any organization's hiring and career advancement decisions. Plus, there is a direct correlation between higher salaries and earning and MBA.

In difficult economic times, going back to school to build new skills -- and make yourself more attractive to future employers -- becomes extremely popular, even for people with full-time jobs. MBAs are especially popular since the degree is usually meant to prepare someone for more advanced, leadership roles in business (or even government). But is an MBA degree worth the extra years of schooling -- especially when you could be spending that time working full-time?

At first glance, the numbers indicate that the answer is a definite yes. A recent survey of accounting/financial workers of varying skill and seniority levels found that CFOs without a degree had an average salary of only $38,920, those with a Bachelors Degree earned $88,836, and MBAs earned an average of $104,284. The return on investment for an MBA certainly seems worthwhile. Some studies indicate the MBAs earn up to 145% more over their lifetime than non-degree holders. So getting your MBA, while sometimes expensive, is certaining economical.

However, there are many mitigating factors affecting an online MBA. Keep in mind that the salary figures quoted above are fairly flexible and can vary widely based on a number of factors. For instance, the type of work you're going into can make a huge difference; consulting jobs will often pay more than finance/accounting jobs, though each could have a different compensation/bonus structure. Your previous experience also speaks volumes. If you're fresh out of business school and go hunting for an investment banking job after years in a marketing firm, odds are good that your starting salary will be much lower than someone with greater comparable experience.

An online MBA is still a very good idea. The numbers are still very persuasive. Statistics from the Graduate Management Admissions Council (the folks who administer the GMAT) indicate that in many cases someone's pre- and post-MBA salary can jump 50% or more. For example, someone working in marketing making an average of $42,000 before getting their MBA can make an average of $80,000 after receiving their degree. That's nearly doubling your money!

An MBA may not be equivalent to a winning lottery ticket, but the odds are good that your earnings will increase after earning your degree -- making those extra years of school worthwhile. Just be sure that you're pursuing the right degree for the right reasons and, of course, good luck with that graduate school application!

Top Online MBA and Business Graduate School Profiles:
American InterContinenal University
Baker College Online
Capella University
DeVry University
Ellis College of New York Institute of Technology
Everest University
Grand Canyon University
Jones International University
Kaplan University
Keller Graduate School of Management of DeVry University
Northeastern University
Regis University Online
Saint Leo University
Salem International University Online
South University
Strayer University
University of Phoenix Online
Walden University
Westwood College

Botulinum Toxin (Botox)

Botulinum Toxin (Botox)

Botox is the brand name of a toxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium Botulinum. Small, diluted amounts can be directly injected into specific muscles causing controlled weakening of the muscles. Botox blocks signals from the nerves to the muscles. The injected muscle can no longer contract, which causes the wrinkles to relax and soften. It is most often used on forehead lines, crow's feet (lines around the eye) and frown lines.

The procedure takes only a few minutes and no anesthesia is required. Botox is injected with a fine needle into specific muscles with only minor discomfort. It generally takes three to seven days to take full effect and it is best to avoid alcohol at least one week prior to treatment. Aspirin and anti-inflammatory medications should be stopped two weeks before treatment as well in order to reduce bruising.

The effects from Botox will last four to six months. As muscle action gradually returns, the lines and wrinkles begin to re-appear and wrinkles need to be re-treated. The lines and wrinkles often appear less severe with time because the muscles are being trained to relax.

Since Botox doesn't work for all wrinkles, a consultation with a certified specialist is recommended.

Apart from wrinkles, research has shown that Botox may also help people plagued by an excessive sweating disorder.

The condition, hyperhydrosis, results in sweating that exceeds the normal amount required to maintain a consistent body temperature. People with this common disorder produce up to four times the sweat of average people, and find themselves sweating even during the dead of winter.

Studies have shown that repeated treatment with Botox (botulinum toxin type A) for severe underarm sweating significantly reduced the amount of sweat produced.

Why are my insurance rates going up?

Now that hurricane victims are collecting insurance claims, Wasudeo in Texas wants to know: how come insurance companies raise their rates after a disaster?

Why do insurance companies increase the rates after a disaster; while all the other times they earn all the money and hardly pay a dime to their customers?
Wasudeo P. -- Plano, TX

In simplest terms, they raise rates because they didn’t collect enough money in the first place to cover all the claims against losses.

At its most basic, insurance seems like a fairly simple business. Companies that write life insurance, for example, can predict fairly accurately -- thanks to a branch of statistics called actuarial science -- how much to collect. Based on decades of mortality data, they can calculate your life expectancy, based on age and other circumstances.

Women, for example, who on average live a bit longer, pay a little less. Smokers, who tend to die younger, pay more. And for every person who dies sooner and collects after paying less than their "share" of premiums, there will be someone else paying “extra” premiums well into their 90s. By keeping the pool large enough, and continually crunching the numbers, actuaries have a pretty good handle on how much to charge each policyholder.

But how do you predict how many more Katrina’s will hit in future hurricane seasons? Worse, how can you predict where they’ll hit: in the heart of a major city built below sea level or a little ways down the coast where there are just a few condos on the beach? A few miles can make a multi-billion-dollar difference.

When an insurance company gets hit with claims, it has to replenish the capital reserves it used paid out those claims, and then stash away more reserves to pay future claims. If it didn’t keep those reserves topped off, it would be selling you on a promise it couldn’t keep.

This year, the drain on reserves was a whopper. Though the total losses are still being tallied, 2005 will go on the record books as the worst year ever for insured catastrophic losses, more than twice the record set in 2004, according to the Insurance Information Institute. A report earlier this month pegged the loss at nearly $57 billion, but that’s just an estimate. And this was just the was the latest in a string of huge losses – including hurricanes Ivan and Charley in 2004, and the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks. Five of the 11 most expensive disasters in history have hit in the past four years, according to the III.

You could argue that insurance companies “blew it” by not charging enough before Katrina hit. But charging premiums for such a worst-case catastrophe would have meant the insurance industry was overcollecting over long periods that were relatively free from disaster.

There's no question the insurance industry was making a bundle before the hurricane season hit. Property casualty insurers posted a profit of nearly $31 billion for the first half of 2005 -- for a return of more than 15 percent. But the average return for the 15 years before that was 8.8 percent -- compared with 13 percent for the Fortune 500, according to the III. You may think insurance industry profits are "too high." But if investors can get more money elsewhere, insurance companies can't raise capital -- and you can't get insurance.

And even if it wanted to, your insurance company can’t just charge whatever its want. For one thing, it has to submit rates for approval by state regulators. While those regulators usually go along with rate increases, they don’t have to. State Farm recently got approval for an average 8.6 percent increase in homeowners insurance in Florida. Allstate, on the other hand, is appealing a decision by Florida regulators turning down its request for an 18 percent rate hike.

When claims get too big, some insurers simply refuse to cover certain types of disasters – like earthquakes or floods. After Katrina struck, some adjusters reportedly tried to deny claims by saying that damage was caused by flooding (which wasn’t covered) rather than the hurricane (which was.) Bring on the lawyers.



Refinancing may be undertaken to reduce interest rate/interest costs (by refinancing at a lower rate), to extend the repayment time, to pay off other debt(s), to reduce one's periodic payment obligations (sometimes by taking a longer-term loan), to reduce or alter risk (such as by refinancing from a variable-rate to a fixed-rate loan), and/or to raise cash for investment, consumption, or the payment of a dividend.

In essence, refinancing can alter the monthly payments owed on the loan either by changing the loan's interest rate, or by altering the term to maturity of the loan. More favourable lending conditions may reduce overall borrowing costs. Refinancing is used in most cases to improve overall cash flow.

Another use of refinancing is to reduce the risk associated with an existing loan. Interest rates on adjustable-rate loans and mortgages shift up and down based on the movements of the various indices used to calculate them. By refinancing an adjustable-rate mortgage into a fixed-rate one, the risk of interest rates increasing dramatically is removed, thus ensuring a steady interest rate over time. This flexibility comes at a price as lenders typically charge a risk premium for fixed rate loans.

In the context of personal (as opposed to corporate) finance, refinancing a loan or a series of debts can assist in paying off high-interest debt such as credit card debt, with lower-interest debt such as that of a fixed-rate home mortgage. This can allow a lender to reduce borrowing costs by more closely aligning the cost of borrowing with the general creditworthiness and collateral security available from the borrower. For home mortgages, in the United States, there may be certain tax advantages available with refinancing, particularly if one does not pay Alternative Minimum Tax.


Most fixed-term debt contains penalty clauses (known as "call provisions") that are triggered by an early payment of the loan, either in its entirety or a specified portion. In addition, there are also closing and transaction fees typically associated with refinancing debt. In some cases, these fees may outweigh any savings generated through refinancing the loan itself. Typically, one only rationally considers refinancing if the potential for a substantial cost savings exists, or if there is a need to extend the loan due to weak cash flow or other non-recurring commitments.

In addition, some refinanced loans, while having lower initial payments, may result in larger total interest costs over the life of the loan, or expose the borrower to greater risks than the existing loan, depending on the type of loan used to refinance the existing debt. Calculating the up-front, ongoing, and potentially variable costs of refinancing is an important part of the decision on whether or not to refinance.

Main article: Point (mortgage)

Refinancing lenders often require an upfront payment of a certain percentage of the total loan amount as part of the process of refinancing debt. Typically, this amount is expressed in "points" (also sometimes called "premiums"), with each "point" being equivalent to 1% of the total loan amount. Therefore, if the refinance option selected involves paying three points, then the borrower will need to pay 3% of the total loan amount upfront. Most refinancing lenders offer a variety of combinations of points and interest rates. Paying more points typically allows one to get a lower interest rate than one would be capable of getting if one paid fewer or no points. Alternately, some lenders will offer to finance parts of the loan themselves, thus generating so-called "negative points" (also called discounts).

The decision of whether or not to pay points, and how many points to pay, should be taken in consideration of the fact that with points, one tends to trade a higher upfront cost in exchange for a lower monthly premium later on. Points can be paid out of the cash saved by refinancing the loan in the first place.


[edit] No-Closing Cost

Borrowers with this type of refinancing typically pay few upfront fees to get the new mortgage loan.[citation needed] In fact, as long as the prevailing market rate is lower than your existing rate by 1.5 percentage point or more, it is financially beneficial to refinance because there is little or no cost in doing so.[citation needed]

However, what most lenders fail to disclose is that the money you save upfront is being collected on the back through what's called yield spread premium (YSP). Yield spread premiums are the cash that a mortgage company receives for steering a borrower into a home loan with a higher interest rate. The latter will even eventually lead to borrower's overpaying.


This type of refinance may not help lower the monthly payment or shorten mortgage periods. It can be used for home improvement, credit card and other debt consolidation if the borrower qualifies with their current home equity; they can refinance with a loan amount larger than their current mortgage and keep the cash difference.

New Technology Adds Precision to Lasik Surgery

Laser surgery revolutionized eyesight correction when it was introduced ten years ago. Originally, the procedure was used only to correct nearsightedness. Now, Lasik is used to correct most vision problems, including farsightedness and astigmatism. That's enticing more and more people to choose to have their corneas reshaped and their vision corrected. Every year, more than four million Americans make this choice.

Recently, Los Angeles resident Chet Lee, 30, had surgery at the UCLA Jules Stein Eye Institute, where he was able to take advantage of two of the newest techniques in Lasik: Wavefront-guided Lasik and all-laser Lasik.

Wavefront-guided Lasik, or "custom Lasik," uses a computer to diagnose and customize correction of the eye.

All-laser Lasik uses a laser rather than a blade to trim off the top of the cornea. Right now, that laser is only sold by the company IntraLase Corp. Surgeons think the new bladeless Lasik is more precise, easier to use, and reduces complications.

Dr. D. Rex Hamilton, Director of the UCLA Laser Refractive Center at the Jules Stein Eye Institute, says the new custom Lasik procedure helps make Lasik more exact. A camera takes pictures of how the eye actually reflects and filters light. The more dramatic the angles, the more Lasik correction is needed.

The new Wavefront-guided technology is more eye specific, Hamilton says.

"Everybody has optics of their eye that is unique. No two eyes are the same," Hamilton explains. "We can now measure those optics in a very detailed way and then use the laser to reshape the cornea for that particular optical fingerprint. It's like a detailed map of the optics."

With this detailed map, Hamilton says, the computer then figures out exactly how surgeons need to reshape the cornea to remove optical imperfections and correct vision.

For the patient, Hamilton says, "this translates into better nighttime vision, better quality, less halos, less glare of lights."

Before custom Lasik, decisions about how to reshape the eye were more subjective because doctors relied on a patient's prescription for glasses. And prescriptions are based on a patient's assessment of their own vision as they read the eye charts in doctor's offices.

With custom Lasik, decisions are more scientific, says Hamilton, because a computer measures how light is reflected in the eye. The pattern it produces tells doctors exactly how vision is impaired, and how to fix it.

"The computer figures out what I need to do to reshape the cornea to remove optical imperfections," Hamilton says.

Chet was nervous, but excited about the procedure's potential. He was hoping for 20/20 vision in both eyes, and eager to be done with contacts, which, at various times, had broken inside his eye, cut his cornea, fallen out of his eye or gotten lost.

The new "all-laser" Lasik was what finally brought Chet to UCLA. He'd been thinking about Lasik for about nine years but was squeamish about the surgery. During Lasik, surgeons cut a thin flap in the cornea and then use a laser to reshape the cornea underneath. Most surgeons use a blade, which automatically moves across the cornea to make the flap. But at UCLA, they've gotten rid of the blade and now use a laser to create the flap.

The laser more or less separates tissue, says Hamilton, "creating little bubbles of space that are right next to each other on a microscopic level that creates a plane that I can then lift with a blunt instrument."

In Chet Lee's surgery, it took only a few minutes for the laser to move across the cornea and separate the tissue to create a flap. Then Hamilton can work from a smooth, flat surface in order to create the new 'customized reshaped cornea." Lee is very nearsighted, so it takes a full two minutes on each eye for the laser to do its work.

At the end of surgery, Chet seems relieved. It wasn't as bad as expected, he says. On a follow-up visit the next day, his vision tests at nearly perfect: 20/20 in one eye, 20/25 in the other.

"Typical," says Dr. Hamilton.

Hamilton says that complications from Lasik are rare but include distortions, such as glare or halos, especially at night. The risk of that happening is greatly decreased, he says, because of the earlier computer measurements he took of the eye.

Although the computer measurements don't add a lot to the cost of Lasik, the new 'all-laser' procedure does. Conventional Lasik averages around $1,500 per eye. All-laser Lasik is more.

In Chet Lee's case, the cost was $3,050 per eye -- a total of $6,100. And for the most part, Lasik surgery is not covered by insurance.

Pamel Vision and Laser Group™

Pamel Vision and Laser Group™
115 East 61st Street #1B
(Between Lexington and Park)
New York, New York 10021
(800) 949-3416

Gregory J. Pamel, MD is a board-certified ophthalmologist specializing in eye surgery and laser vision correction. He is a fellowship trained corneal specialist who has been performing corneal refractive surgery since the early 1990s. After LASIK surgery was approved by the FDA in 1995, Dr. Pamel was one of the first doctors to perform the surgery in the New York area. This is one reason he is so well known in the LASIK New York community.

He speaks throughout the United States and internationally about new advances in LASIK and other new refractive technologies and has trained other doctors from around the world in these techniques. He also serves as an investigator in two FDA clinical trials, where new and better types of procedures are developed. He has published several book chapters and scientific articles on new technologies for refractive surgery, such as the Verisyse™ lens implant — the new lens implant to correct high levels of nearsightedness.
About the Pamel Vision and Laser Group

Dr. Pamel is the medical director of the Pamel Vision and Laser Group. For LASIK, PRK and LASEK surgery, he uses the most advanced laser available — the Wavelight Allegretto Wave laser. The Allegretto Wave represents a breakthrough in customized LASIK technology. This laser is the first to be "wavefront optimized" so that the optical characteristics of the eye can be measured and corrected to the most minute levels. The laser beam profile and eye tracking system are specifically designed for maintaining the corneal curvature for each individual patient, thereby correcting visual error and reducing common night vision problems of glare and halos.

Dr. Pamel is a leader in new forms of refractive surgery. He was the principal investigator for the FDA clinical trials for the Verisyse™ lens implant, which is a new lens implant designed specifically for patients with high myopia (nearsightedness) or high hyperopia (farsightedness) who are not candidates for LASIK. This implant was approved recently by the FDA. For correction of presbyopia, Dr. Pamel provides a variety of treatment options, including several new treatments currently undergoing FDA studies.

In addition to his expertise in refractive surgery, Dr. Pamel is also a gifted cataract surgeon and corneal transplant surgeon. His expertise is routinely sought by media outlets, and he has recently been interviewed on ABC, Fox NEWS, UPN, New York 1 and the Discovery Channel.
Dr. Pamel's Background

Dr. Pamel received his undergraduate degree in Biomedical Sciences from the University of Michigan. He completed medical school at the University of Michigan, with his internship at the Illinois Masonic Medical Center of the University of Illinois. He did his ophthalmology residency at the University of California San Diego, Department of Ophthalmology, and his fellowship in corneal and anterior segment surgery was completed at University of Connecticut Health Center. He is also an attending physician at the Manhattan Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital and the Lennox Hospital.


Kategori :+ Chemical
Lokasi :Kediri, Jawa Timur
Media :Jawa Pos
Pendidikan :Sarjana/S1
Pengalaman Kerja:2-5 tahun
Jenis Kelamin :Pria & Wanita
Gaji :Not Specified
Posting Date :2009-05-04
Due Date :2009-05-16


Sebuah perusahaan Nasional dengan berabgai produk agrochemical yang berkualitas, membutuhkan:

- Memiliki pengalaman kerja pada posisi yang sama minimal 2 tahun pada perusahaan Agrochemical dengan track record yang sukses.
- Memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan yang kuat, motivasi yang tinggi dan kemampuan negosiasi yang bagus.
- Menguasai wilayah Jawa & Indonesia bagian Timur

- Pria S1 pertanian
- Memiliki pengalaman dalam pemasaran produk-produk kimia pertanian
- Termotivasi untuk pencapain target, bertanggungjawab dan terbiasa dengan pekarjaan lapangan.
- Menguasai Wilayaj Jawa Timur.

Kirim lamaran dengan cantumkan kode posisi di pojok kanan atas amplop ke:
Via Email:

Job Vacancy PT. KINGFURN International

Kategori :+ Other
Lokasi :Gresik, Jawa Timur
Media :Jawa Pos
Pendidikan :Diploma
Pengalaman Kerja:2-5 tahun
Jenis Kelamin :Pria & Wanita
Gaji :Not Specified
Posting Date :2009-05-04
Due Date :2009-05-15


PT. KINGFURN International
A European furniture company located in Gresik invites qualified and self motivated candidates to apply for the following position:


- Male/Female aged 25-35 years
- Min. D3 from reputable University
- Min. 3 years experience In furniture company
- Able to communicate (orally & writing) in English is an advantage
- Applicants that are able to build template/Jig for furniture will be given preference

Interested applicants are invited to forward written application in English to:
Email :
P.0.Box 152 Gresik
Not later than 15 May 2009, only short listed candidates will contacted for an interview.


Kategori :+ Quality Assurance + Control & Testing + ISO
Lokasi :Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur
Media :Jawa Pos
Pendidikan :Diploma
Pengalaman Kerja:0-1 tahun
Jenis Kelamin :Pria & Wanita
Gaji :Not Specified
Posting Date :2009-05-04
Due Date :2009-05-16


Kami perusahaan Asing dari China yang bergerak di bidang Pakan Ternak Membutuhkan Segera:


Syarat :
a. Laki-laki, usia max. 35th (1,2,3,4)
b. Wanita, max. 30 th (5)
c. Bisa bahasa Mandarin baca tulis dan computer (1)
d. Mempunyai sertifikat kelulusan di bidangnya masing - masing (1,2,3,4,5)
e. Mempunyai pengalaman kerja min. 2 th, di utamakan di bidang yang sama (2,3,4,5)

Kirimkan Lamaran ke:
Raya Sawunggaling 162, Ds. Jemundo
Kec.Taman Sidoarjo 61257
Telp.031.788 2949

Job Vacancy PT Kutai Timber Indonesia

Kategori :+ Engineering
Lokasi :Probolinggi, Jawa Timur
Media :Jawa Pos
Pendidikan :SLTA
Pengalaman Kerja:1-2 tahun
Jenis Kelamin :Pria & Wanita
Gaji :Not Specified
Posting Date :2009-05-04
Due Date :2009-05-14


Kami, PT Kutai Timber Indonesia, anak perusahaan dan PT Sumitomo Forestry Jepang yang bergerak dalam industri perkayuan sejak tahun 1970, membutuhkan karyawan untuk kapal pengangkut log bahan baku untuk posisi :


- Pria, max40 Tahun
- Sertifikat ANT I /ANT II untuk posisi No.1
- Sertifikat ANT I /ANT II untuk posisi No.2
- Sertifikat ANT II /ANT III untuk posisi No.3
- Semua posisi pengalaman 1 tahun
- Buku pelaut dan passport yg masihh berlaku & Sertifikat Wajib perwira untuk dek dan mesin

Spesifikasi Kapal:
- DWT : 6565.07 ton, HP :3300, TYPE:CARGO
- LINE: Perairan Indonesia / Internasional (Singapore & Papua New Guinea)

Lamaran ke:
Jl. Tanjung Tembaga Baru/pelabuhan Probolinggo-Jawa Timur 67201

Paling lambat 14 Mei 2009


Kategori :+ Accounting + Audit + Taxation
Posisi :Accounting Manager, Staff Internal Audit
Lokasi :Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur
Media :Jawa Pos
Pendidikan :SLTA
Pengalaman Kerja:2-5 tahun
Jenis Kelamin :Pria & Wanita
Gaji :Not Specified
Posting Date :2009-05-04
Due Date :2009-05-16


Perusahaan Publik yang bergerak dalem bidang percetakan dokumen niaga yang terintegrasi, modern dan Innovatif memberikan kesempatan kerja untuk posisi :

1. Factory Manager (FM)
2. Accounting Manager (AM)
3. Kepala Bagian Cetak (KC)
4. Staff Internal Audit (SIA)
5. Marketing Eksekutif (ME)
6. Operator Maintenance (OM)
7. Management Trainee Produksi (MTP)
8. Anggota Security (AS)

a. S1/S2 Teknik Industri/Manufakmr (1), S1 Ekonomi Akuntansi (2, 4), S1 Teknik Mesin/Industri/Elektro/Manufaktur/Grafika (3, 7), S1 Ekonomi Manajemen (5) SLTA/SMK Mesin/Listrik (6, 8)
b. IPK min:3.00(2,3,4,5)dan min:3.25(1,7)
c. Pengalaman dibidang yang sama min :2 tahun (1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6)
d. Diutamakan menguasai masalah Perpajakan dan Teknologi Informasi (2)
e. Diutamakan memiliki kendaraan sendiri dan bersedia kerja lembur (5, 6, 8)
f. Memiliki kemampuan dibidang Mesin bubut (6)
g. Kreatif, pro-aktif, positif attitude dan solusi oriented (1 s/d 8)
h. Memiliki kemampuan leadership & managerial skill (1, 2, 3, 7)
i. Diutamakan berpengalaman dalam membawahi min. 400 orang di Produksi, Maintenance dan PPIC (1)
j. Lancar berbahasa Inggris lisan dun tertulis (1), diutamakan Mandarin (5)

Surat Lamaran disertai kode jabatan di pojok kiri atas ampkap, Cv, transkrip, dan pas foto terbaru, serta lampiran lain yang diperlukan dapat dikirim atau diemail ke:

Jl. raya Betro No. 21 Sedati Sidoarjo 61253
Email :

May 2, 2009

Asbestos school annex to reopen

Part of a Swansea comprehensive school closed for a fortnight after asbestos was found by contractors is to reopen on Tuesday.
The material found in the annex of Penyrheol school at Gorseinon has now been made safe by specialists.

Swansea council has reassured pupils, parents and staff that the 16-classroom block is now completely safe to use.

Head teacher Alan Tootill said the asbestos had never posed a risk because the material had not been disturbed.

"The expert remedial works are now complete at the annexe building and I can reassure parents, pupils and staff that the annexe is totally safe to use," he added.

"This was an unfortunate situation but I'd like to thank parents and pupils for their patience and perseverance over the last week or so and staff for their hard work."

The threat of asbestos

The threat of asbestos

For more than half a century, the construction fibre asbestos has been used in buildings for the insulation of pipes and boilers, as fire protection in walls, and even roofing and guttering. It generally does not pose a risk to health as long as it remains undisturbed and in good condition.

However, when it is damaged, asbestos fibres are released into the air. If inhaled, these can have very serious effects on health.

This is one of the problems which survivors of the attack on New York's World Trade Centre, as well as hundreds of workers involved in the rescue operation, may eventually face. BBC World Service Science reports.

Use of asbestos

The World Trade Centre towers were opened to the public in 1973. At the heart of the structure of each tower was a vertical steel and concrete core, housing lift shafts and stairwells. All the steel was covered in concrete as were the floors.

Because of its high melting point and because it's a fire retardant, asbestos was used to fireproof beams.

In the 1960s, when it was discovered that asbestos was a toxic substance and a known carcinogen, many countries banned the material.

By the time the ban was enforced and strict guidelines were implemented, builders on the World Trade Centre had already completed the first 40 floors of the north tower and had, allegedly, used asbestos.

Subsequent construction was completed with safer materials.

Level of contaminants

When fires engulfed the twin towers, health officials feared asbestos was released into the air.

However, officials in New York recently said dust samples tested at the site of the devastated World Trade Centre do not show dangerous levels of the contaminant.

According to the US newspaper New York Times, the US Environmental Protection Agency recently analysed 97 air samples from 11 sites in Lower Manhattan and four sites in New Jersey. It stated:

'Seven samples at or near the World Trade Centre attack site had marginally higher levels of asbestos, which exceeded the E.P.A.'s level of concern for long-term exposure. Rescue workers in this restricted area have been provided with respirators.'

As the rescue and clean-up operation continues, frequent air samples will have be taken to ensure that workers involved in the clearing of debris as well as investigators are not at risk of acquiring an asbestos-related disease.


Medical experts have warned that exposure to the fibre when broken down into dust could cause a host of terminal diseases.

Asbestosis, a lung disease characterised by shortness of breath, is a major concern. Others are mesothelioma, a rare cancer of the lining of the abdominal cavity and surrounding internal organs, and pleural disease, which can result in calcification of the lungs.

Other cancers related to asbestos include lung cancer (worsened by cigarette smoking) and cancers of the oesophagus, stomach, colon and rectum.

Increase in diseases

While environmental experts in New York assure survivors and health workers of the low levels of contaminants in the area devastated by the terror attacks, scientists in Europe are now warning of a significant increase in asbestos-related illnesses in the coming years.

Experts attending the annual meeting of the European Respiratory Society in Berlin this week say that asbestos-related cancers, which are often fatal, will increase globally over the next twenty years.

In many cases, asbestos-related symptoms only appear decades – in some cases as many as four - after the original exposure.

One of the aims of the 11th symposium organised by the European Respiratory Society is to provide the clinician with the latest review of the imaging methods used to detect asbestos-related lesions.

Over 3,000 people a year die of asbestos-related diseases in the UK and numbers are predicted to rise to 10,000 a year by 2020.

High-risk group

Builders, electricians, plumbers and shipyard workers who drill into the insulation board and use it for construction are in the high-risk group. However teachers, children and nurses are also believed to have been put in danger since asbestos was used in the construction of schools and hospitals.

Families of those who work with asbestos can also be infected if asbestos particles are brought into the home on clothes.

Asbestos exposure was at its peak in the construction industry in Western Europe, North America, Japan and Australia until the 1970s; and although its use is nowadays carefully monitored, more than two millions tons was produced last year - and most of that is now used in poorer countries.

Workmen 'ignoring asbestos risk'

Some 4,000 people a year are dying from the effects of asbestos, the Health and Safety Executive has said.

The HSE says a quarter of the victims are former tradesmen, but it fears today's plumbers, electricians and joiners underestimate the ongoing risk.

Asbestos was used for fire-proofing and insulation until a ban in 2000, but it remains in some 500,000 UK buildings.

But the Ucatt union said the HSE is failing to fully investigate workers' complaints about exposure to asbestos.

It can cause cancers and lung illness if its dust is inhaled.

Exposure to the material remains the biggest single cause of work-related deaths, likely to peak at around 5,000 per year in the next five years, the HSE says.

On Monday, Selfridges replaced the display windows of its 100-year-old Oxford Street store in London after the substance was found in some of the frames.

Exposure kills

If asbestos fibres are disturbed by drilling or cutting during refurbishment, they can prove deadly.

Illnesses, most notably the lung cancer mesothelioma, typically take between 20 and 50 years to develop, depending on the levels and frequency of exposure.

The majority of those affected today are former employees in industries such as shipbuilding and the railways.

The HSE says research suggests exposure kills on average six electricians, three plumbers and six joiners every week and it fears those numbers could grow in the future because of complacency.

It believes only one in 10 current tradesmen recognises the danger and is launching a campaign to raise awareness.

Former carpenter Tom King, 65, from south east London, was diagnosed with mesothelioma - cancer of the lining of the lung - two years ago.

He had cut and fitted asbestos boards as a trainee, before its dangers were known, and the illness forced him to retire.

But Mr King said young tradesmen were failing to heed the warnings.

"My son took over my business and the labourers who work for him are half-hearted about wearing a mask, even though they know what happened to me," he said.

"Some of them don't seem to have been taught that it's still in a lot of old buildings."

'Cruel disease'

HSE disease reduction programme director Steve Coldrick said: "We have a legacy of 500,000 commercial or industrial buildings in this country which still contain asbestos and the it is tradesmen who are at risk from it now.

"Unless we make them really understand the problems it can cause, in 20 or 50 years time we will have even more people dying."

But Alan Ritchie, general secretary of builders' union Ucatt, said members who raised concerns about working with asbestos were rapidly losing confidence in the HSE.

"When investigating these complaints, rather than talk to the workers whose health is being put at risk, they instead simply speak to the management, who invariably give the organisation a clean bill of health."

'Woeful' underestimate

Meanwhile Prof Rory O'Neill, of Stirling University's Occupational and Environmental Health Research Group, said the HSE's figures were a "woeful" underestimate of the death rate.

"A more realistic figure would be 5-6,000," he said, adding that the HSE lacked resources to carry out necessary checks.

Jill Morrell, from the British Lung Foundation said: "The asbestos-related cancer mesothelioma is a cruel disease which as yet has no cure.

"We must do all we can to prevent more people dying from this preventable disease"

Despite the warnings, the HSE stresses that asbestos which is sealed and in good condition rarely poses a risk unless it is disturbed.

Hong Kong 'flu' hotel sealed off

About 300 people at a Hong Kong hotel have been placed under quarantine after a guest there became China's first confirmed swine flu case.

The 25-year-old man, who is now in hospital after testing positive for the virus, had travelled from Mexico via Shanghai, Hong Kong's leader said.

Local TV footage showed police wearing masks guarding the hotel exits.

Meanwhile, the UK joined Canada, Spain, Germany and the US in reporting person-to-person transmission of the virus.

Mexico, where the outbreak began, has started a five-day shutdown of parts of its economy in a bid to curb the virus's progress.

Mexican officials say the spread of swine flu - suspected in more than 160 deaths - is slowing, but international experts are more cautious.

On Friday, French Health Minister Roselyne Bachelot said two people were infected with swine flu, France's first confirmed cases.

The minister said a third person "very probably" had the virus. She said all three had recently been to Mexico.

The announcement takes to 15 the number of countries where swine flu has been confirmed.

'No panic'

In cases outside Mexico the effects of the virus do not appear to be severe, although one death of a Mexican child has been confirmed in the US.

The WHO has set its pandemic alert level at five - but says it has no immediate plans to move to the highest level of six.

In Hong Kong, the authorities have raised the alert level to emergency but urged residents to carry on life as normal.

"I assure you the Hong Kong government will try its best to conquer the virus," Chief Executive Donald Tsang said.

"I stress we don't need to panic."

The Mexican man is said to be in a stable condition in Hong Kong's Princess Margaret Hospital, after seeking treatment on Thursday night after becoming unwell.

The Metropark Hotel in Wanchai district where he briefly stayed will be sealed off for seven days, health officials said, and the antiviral drug Tamiflu given to about 200 guests and 100 staff there.

Medical staff wearing protective clothing were seen carrying boxes of equipment into the building.

Efforts are also under way to trace people who travelled on the same flights as the Mexican, and taxi drivers with whom he came into contact.

BBC China Editor Shirong Chen says confirmation that the man has tested positive for the virus has set alarm bells ringing beyond Hong Kong.

Chinese Health Minister Chen Zhu said the virus was very likely to enter mainland China and urged the country to prepare for an outbreak, as millions start travelling over the May Day long weekend.

Schools closed

Meanwhile, the authorities in Mexico hope a nationwide shut-down ordered from Friday, covering two public holidays and a weekend, will help curb the spread of the virus.

Some factories will stop production and schools are already closed. Residents have been urged to stay at home, but it is not clear how widely the shut-down order will be followed.

The number of confirmed cases of swine flu infection in Mexico now stands at more than 300, officials say.

Mexican Health Secretary Jose Angel Cordova said on Friday that three more deaths from swine flu had been confirmed, bringing the toll to 15.

Announcing the figure, Mr Cordova said that new cases of the virus were levelling off.

But Dr Keiji Fukuda, acting assistant director general of the World Health Organization (WHO), said fluctuations were to be expected.

In other developments:

• The US announces that it will buy 13 million new courses of antiviral treatment and send 400,000 of them to Mexico

• A flight from Germany to Washington DC is diverted to Boston after a female passenger complains of flu-like symptoms

• An aide to US Energy Secretary Stephen Chu who helped arrange President Barack Obama's recent trip to Mexico is being tested for swine flu, although the aide is said not to have been in contact with the president

• The head of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says it is fine for people without flu symptoms to fly and use the subway, a day after Vice-President Joe Biden said he would advise his own family members against using public transport

• Denmark reports its first confirmed case of swine flu

• German authorities confirm that a nurse who treated a patient with swine flu also contracted the disease, in the first person-to-person transmission in the country

• Test results confirm the UK's first person-to-person transmission of swine flu, in a friend of a couple from Scotland who were first in the country to be diagnosed with the virus

Several countries have restricted travel to Mexico and many tour operators have cancelled holidays.

The WHO, meanwhile, says it will now call the virus influenza A (H1N1) rather than swine flu - which it says is misleading as pork meat is safe and the virus is being transmitted from human to human.

US factory output continues fall

US manufacturing activity fell further in April - but at a slower pace - figures from the Institute for Supply Management (ISM) have suggested.

Its index of national factory activity rose to 40.1 in April from 36.3 in March, with any figure below 50 indicating a contraction.

The easing of the slowdown was greater than most analysts had predicted.

However separate Commerce Department data said US factories orders dropped by 0.9% in March - more than expected.

Factory shipments fell for a record eighth consecutive month, it added.

Analysts said that both sets of data were further evidence of the severity of the recession.

However oil prices rose sharply as traders took encouragement from the ISM figures that the deterioration in the US manufacturing sector appeared to be slowing.

US light sweet crude jumped by $2.08 to settle at $53.20 a barrel while London Brent crude added $2.05 at $52.85.

Little improvement

Earlier this week, official data showed that the US economy continued to contract in the first quarter of 2009, led by the biggest fall in exports for 40 years.

US GDP contracted at an annualised rate of 6.1% during the quarter, little improvement on the 6.3% fall in the last three months of 2008.

US car sales continue to suffer

US car sales continued to struggle in April as cash-conscious consumers remained reluctant to buy new vehicles, and the industry faced turmoil.

Chrysler saw a 48% drop in April sales from the same month a year ago, a day after seeking bankruptcy protection.

Japan's Toyota sales fell 42%, with Nissan seeing a 38% slide. Sales at Ford slid by almost 32%, General Motors lost 34% and Honda were off 25%.

However beleaguered GM said it thought the market was "stabilising".

Earlier this week GM, which is trying to avoid a bankruptcy filing before 1 June, unveiled a turnaround plan - including factory closures, the end of the Pontiac brand and the sale of brands such as Saab and Hummer.

Chrysler, which is applying for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection, attributed its sharp decline to a planned cut sales to fleet customers - which bring low profit margins, as well as the broad economic downturn.

But it said the figures were well above expectations which showed "the real strength of our dealers and products in the marketplace in spite of a month filled with troubling headlines".

'Dust bowl'

Toyota's poor month, saw it lose its number two spot to Ford for the first time in more than a year.

Ford increased market share, helped in part by sales of its Fusion - the only vehicle model that showed an increase among the Ford, Lincoln and Mercury brands.

There had been hope that the month would see some signs of improvement for the industry but BMW's North America president Jim O'Donnell said April "felt more like a dust bowl than a spring garden for new car sales".

Brazil clears Indian reservation

A deadline has passed for non-indigenous residents of an Indian reservation in northern Brazil to leave the area.

It follows a landmark ruling by the country's Supreme Court that the Raposa Serra do Sol reservation should be solely for indigenous people.

The non-indigenous rice farmers and farm workers say they are victims of "legalised robbery".

But the authorities say they will be properly compensated.

In March, Brazil's Supreme Court ruled that the area in the northern border state of Roraima should be maintained as a single continuous territory exclusively for use by the indigenous population.

The decision was hailed as a major victory for indigenous rights, and was also regarded as setting an important precedent for future court cases.

However, the ruling was also a defeat for the non-indigenous rice producers and farm workers who lived and worked in the area, and who said their removal would undermine the economy of Roraima.

Around 300 police and soldiers are now reported to have begun an operation to remove any remaining rice producers and farm workers from the 1.7 million hectare reservation.

There were said to be around 30 non-indigenous families in the reservation as the deadline approached, but the authorities say force will only be used if they meet with violent resistance.

Some of the rice producers have been criticised for destroying farm buildings as they left the area.

'Human zoo'

Indigenous Brazilian in the Raposa Serra do Sol reservation celebrate the court ruling (19 March 2009)
The court ruling was greeted as a victory by the indigenous population

As this sensitive operation was getting underway, the governor of Roraima, Jose de Anchieta Jr, was accused of racism by the state agency which looks after indigenous rights.

The governor said the federal government had not provided sufficient resources for the local indigenous population to live in the reservation, which he said had unfortunately been turned into a "human zoo."

The authorities insist they will provide the necessary support.

The reservation, which is in the far north of Brazil on the border with Venezuela and Guyana, is home to around 20,000 indigenous people.

Officials say the operation to ensure the Supreme Court ruling has been obeyed could take some days to complete.

By Gary Duffy
BBC News, Sao Paulo

Stocks rise on day, week

Wall Street manages modest gains on the first day of May as investors consider economic news, profit reports.

NEW YORK ( -- Stocks rose Friday, as a few better-than-expected economic reports and a rally in oil stocks gave a boost to the broader market.

The Dow Jones industrial average (INDU) gained 44 points or 0.5%. The S&P 500 (SPX) index added 5 points or 0.5%. The Nasdaq composite (COMP) rose 2 points, or 0.1%.

Stocks slumped in the morning, seesawed in the afternoon and then made a run higher near the close.

All 3 major gauges ended higher for the week. The Dow and S&P 500 have now gained for 7 of the last 8 weeks. The Nasdaq has gained for 8 weeks in a row.

Stocks are coming off a strong April in which bets that the economy is close to stabilizing fueled a big run up. For the month, the Nasdaq gained 12.3%, the S&P 500 gained 9.4% and the Dow Jones gained 7.3%.

"April ended with some substantial gains after we had some economic numbers that suggested the worst is over," said Peter Cardillo, chief market economist at Avalon Partners.

He said that this improved outlook should continue to benefit stocks in the weeks ahead, but that equities could be a little vulnerable next week.

"There are some questions about the results of the stress tests and what those results will mean for the market," he said.

The results of the "stress tests" of the nation's largest banks is expected late Thursday, a government source told CNNMoney. Results were initially expected to be released this Monday.

Next week is light on profit reports with the focus on the economic news. A pending home sales report Monday and the April employment report Friday are the highlights.

Chrysler: Chrysler filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection Thursday after failing to reach a deal with some of its smaller lenders to cut debt. But a deal has been negotiated to combine the company with Italian automaker Fiat, allowing Chrysler to stay in business.

Investors seem to be reacting well to the Chrysler bankruptcy filing, perhaps out of relief that at least the uncertainty is over with, said David Levy, portfolio manager at Kenjol Capital Management.

"It's similar to what we saw with the banks," he said. "Now that there's resolution with one company in a group, we have something of a roadmap of what could happen should GM fail as well."

Chrysler is privately owned. Shares of rivals General Motors (GM, Fortune 500) and Ford Motor (F, Fortune 500) slipped Friday after rallying Thursday.

Auto sales: The major companies were reporting April sales figures throughout the day.

Ford Motor reported a 31.6% drop in sales versus a year ago, a steeper decline than expected. But the pace of the decline was smaller than a month ago.

GM said sales fell 33.2% from a year ago, beating forecasts. But sales were an improvement after the 45% decline in March.

Toyota Motor (TM) reported a worse-than-expected April sales decline of 41.9%. Toyota's March sales fell 30.9% versus a year earlier.

Economy: The Institute for Supply Management's manufacturing index rose to 40.1 in April from 36.3 in March beating forecasts for a rise to 38.4. Any reading under 50 indicates the sector is still contracting, but the report was consistent with other recent signs that the pace of the economic slowdown is easing.

Another report showed that consumer sentiment improved in April. The University of Michigan's consumer sentiment index was revised up to 65.1 from a previous reading of 61.9. Economists thought it would hold steady.

A third report showed March factory orders fell 0.9% after rising 0.7% in February. Economists thought orders would fall 0.6%, on average

Corporate news: Dow component Chevron (CVX, Fortune 500) reported a big drop in first-quarter sales and earnings, that missed expectations, due to a steep drop in energy prices. Shares of the No. 2 oil services firm ended higher.

Fellow Dow component Exxon Mobil (XOM, Fortune 500) reported weaker sales and earnings Thursday. Shares gained 2%.

MasterCard (MA, Fortune 500) reported weaker quarterly earnings that topped estimates on weaker revenue that missed expectations. Shares fell nearly 6%.

Citigroup (C, Fortune 500) is selling its Japanese retail brokerage business to Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group in a deal worth $7.9 billion. Shares fell 2.6%.

Market breadth was positive. On the New York Stock Exchange, winners beat losers three to two on volume of 1.29 billion shares. On the Nasdaq, advancers topped decliners by a narrow margin on volume of 2.17 billion shares.

Bonds: Treasury prices slipped, raising the yield on the benchmark 10-year note to 3.15% from 3.14% Thursday. Treasury prices and yields move in opposite directions.

Lending rates were mixed. The 3-month Libor rate fell to 1.01% from 1.02% Thursday, according to The overnight Libor rate rose to 0.24% from 0.23%. Libor is a bank-to-bank lending rate.

By Alexandra Twin, senior writer

May 1, 2009

VoIP Merdeka ala Onno Purbo Komunikasi Alternatif Rendah Biaya

Kenaikan tarif telepon yang diumumkan pemerintah sebagai ”hadiah” tahun baru benar-benar menjadi beban bagi mayoritas masyarakat. Bayangkan, sekali menelepon di warung telekomunikasi (wartel), minimal sekarang harus merogoh kocek Rp 400. Tidak peduli apakah nomor yang kita tuju benar atau salah, juga tidak peduli orang yang kita cari ada atau tidak. Tagihan telepon akhir bulan nanti juga akan menjadi kabar buruk dengan melangitnya angka rupiah yang harus dibayar.

Di tengah keresahan ini, tiba-tiba saja Onno W. Purbo, seorang praktisi teknologi komunikasi (TI) mempromosikan apa yang disebutnya sebagai Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Merdeka, setelah berganti dari nama semula: VoIP Perjuangan. Teknologi yang berbasis net meeting ini ditawarkan mantan dosen Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) itu sebagai alternatif berkomunikasi demi menghindar dari tagihan telepon yang melonjak.
”Sebenarnya teknologi ini bukan sesuatu yang baru. Orang sudah sejak lama menggunakan net meeting sebagai alat komunikasi berkelompok. Bedanya, Onno mengaturnya dengan memberi nomor-nomor tertentu untuk mengaksesnya, jadi lebih teratur,” jelas Heru Nugroho, direktur eksekutif Asosiasi Penyelenggara Jasa Internet Indonesia (APJII) di Jakarta, Selasa (14/1).
Menurut Heru, jika dilihat dari sisi ekonomis, VoIP Merdeka ini lebih murah dibanding dengan VoIP biasa yang ditawarkan oleh industri telekomunikasi. VoIP biasa masih dikenakan tarif berlangganan di luar biaya Internet. Tapi dengan VoIP ala Onno ini maka pengguna cukup membayar tarif Internet saja, bebas biaya langganan.
Yang lebih meringankan, user dibebaskan dari keharusan membeli piranti lunak tertentu sebab VoIP satu ini berbasis Linux, pengembang software yang bersifat open source alias bebas dikembangkan siapa saja tanpa mempermasalahkan lisensi. Jadi di sini user bebas menggunakan gatekeeper Linux tanpa pusing membayar lisensi atas hak ciptanya. ”Memang Linux sejak dulu membebaskan user mengembangkan aplikasinya tanpa mempedulikan hak cipta,” komentar Heru.

Kualitas Suara
Ikhwal kualitas suara, Onno mengklaim pada aplikasi pendukung NetMeeting berkompresi G.723.1 bisa menghasilkan kecepatan suara sebesar 5.4Kbps. Ini berarti tetap bisa dipakai dari warung Internet (warnet) dial up, sekalipun kecepatannya cuma 14.4Kbps.
Karena pada VoIP Merdeka ini tidak ada pemisahan antara sinyal data dan sinyal VoIP maka kualitas suaranya agak terganggu. Heru sendiri yang sudah menikmati fasilitas ini berkomentar bahwa pada siang hari yakni di mana traffic Internet cukup sibuk, delay suara cukup terasakan. Namun pada malam hari di saat traffic sepi, maka kualitasnya tidak kalah dengan VoIP langganan biasa.
Tapi Onno berkilah, bahwa kualitas suara VoIP versinya tidak kalah dengan VoIP yang banyak dipakai di luar. ”Kalau dibandingkan dengan VoIP di Amerika Serikat waktu saya jalan-jalan ke sana bersama istri tahun lalu, maka VoIP kita ini menghasilkan suara yang sama dengan calling card VoIP yang kita beli di sana untuk call ke Indonesia,” paparnya dalam kesempatan terpisah.
Sayangnya VoIP ala Onno ini hanya mampu menjangkau user yang juga memiliki aplikasi VoIP serupa. Jadi pemilik aplikasi VoIP biasa yang melalui sambungan public switched telephone network (PSTN) tidak bisa berkomunikasi dengan VoIP Merdeka, pun demikian sebaliknya. Kesimpulannya, VoIP Merdeka ini baru bisa dikatakan sebagai alternatif berkomunikasi apabila penggunanya cukup banyak, sehingga bisa menjangkau area yang lebih luas dan tidak mengenal batas. Untuk itu aplikasi ini perlu sosialisasi besar-besaran.
Di kalangan pengguna Internet sendiri VoIP ala Onno cukup mendapat sambutan luar biasa. Ditambah lagi, lelaki berkacamata ini dengan sukarela mempublikasikan rancangan aplikasinya.
Aplikasi VoIP ala Onno ini bisa disambungkan dengan end user dengan personal computer (PC) terkoneksi ke Internet tanpa proxy server maupun yang dengan proxy server. Selain itu berlaku pula bagi end user yang menggunakan peralatan gateway VoIP, serta para operator proxy server, seperti warnet, kantor dan sebagainya.
Seperti kata Heru, pada dasarnya aplikasi komunikasi ini sama persis dengan NetMeeting, bedanya Onno memberi semacam format penomoran demi kelancaran operasi. Ia menetapkan alokasi nomor telepon sesuai dengan area, yakni format
0111 aaa ttttt xx.. Misalnya 0111 21 12345 xx di mana 0111 mewakili call area untuk VoIP Merdeka, 21 dipakai kalau user berada di Jakarta, sedangkan 12345 adalah 5 lima digit pertama dari nomor telkom di daerah user. Bagian xx bisa dibuat sendiri.
”Penomoran ini dalam jaringan VoIP Merdeka dikenal menggunakan format E.164.,” demikian papar Onno dalam sebuah portal khusus Linu. Sebetulnya kurang tepat untuk menggunakan hanya call area 0111, secara internasional harusnya menggunakan 62 111 bukan 0 111. Jika nanti dibutuhkan untuk interkoneksi secara nasional atau internasional bisa dilakukan proses rewrite nomor E.164 di gatekeeper.
Untuk bisa memasang aplikasi ini, tidak memerlukan piranti aneh-aneh yang sulit didapat. Cukup dengan menyediakan PC yang ada sambungan langsung ke Internet ditambah dengan sound card, mikrophone, serta headphone agar tidak terjadi feedback ke mikrophone. Piranti lunak yang diperlukan adalah software NetMeeting 3.01, yang sudah tersedia di Windows 98 ke atas. Kalau pun belum ada, user bisa melakukan download secara gratis dari Bagi yang menggunakan Linux, dapat menggunakan GnomeMeeting.
Yang perlu dilakukan adalah set sebagai berikut, dari Tools klik Options lalu General, klik lagi Advanced Calling yang akan menampilkan Use a gatekeeper to place a calls . Di sini user harus mengetik nomor Internet Protocol (IP) gatekeeper, kemudian mengisi nomor telepon sesuai format.

Banyak Peminat
Pada saat user melakukan dial ke Internet, secara otomatis NetMeeting akan mencari gatekeeper untuk meregistrasikan PC. Jika NetMeeting berhasil teregistrasi pada pojok kanan bawah console NetMeeting akan ada gambar dua buah komputer yang saling tersambung dengan warna yang jelas, sebelumnya warnanya tidak jelas. Setelah NetMeeting teregistrasi ke gatekeeper, user bisa menelepon ke rekan lain yang menggunakan jaringan VoIP Merdeka dan menggunakan nomor 0111 xx xxxxxxxxx.
Itu tadi merupakan langkah yang harus dilakukan end user dengan PC yang terkoneksi ke Internet tanpa proxy server. Sedangkan yang memakai proxy server, yakni pemilik IP berawalan nomor 192.168.x.x atau 10.x.x.x maka harus melalui langkah sedikit berbeda. Pengguna dengan proxy server harus melakukan registrasi ke gatekeeper yang berada di mesin proxy atau wingate atau winroute. Menurut Onno, tanpa registrasi tidak mungkin dilakukan karena port VoIP tidak bisa menembusnya.
Sementara bagi operator proxy server, seperti warnet, kantor dan sebagainya maka bisa menggunakan software bebas alias open source. Dengan demikian tidak akan ada tuntutan pelanggaran hak cipta dan tuduhan pembajakan. Di sini Onno mengambil Linux sebagai aplikasi pengembang software yang memang membebaskan user untuk mengembangkan aplikasi tanpa adanya lisensi. Piranti lunak yang dipakai adalah Open H.323 gatekeeper yang dapat di ambil di meng-gunakan keyword openh323 gatekeeper. Bisa juga diambil langsung dari situs Linux, Segala hal yang berkaitan dengan VoIP Merdeka ini dengan mudah bisa dicari di dunia maya dengan menggunakan search engine.
Kendati menawarkan alternatif berkomunikasi lewat VoIP yang serupa dengan VoIP berlangganan, aplikasi VoIP ala Onno ini sama sekali tidak dipandang sebagai pesaing di kalangan industri. Bahkan APJII mengadalkan workshop untuk umum selama lima kali mengenai VoIP Merdeka ini di kantornya. Workshop tersebut meliputi Set Client (Net Meeting), instalasi Linux untuk VoIP, instalasi gatekeeper di atas Linux, instalasi gatekeeper di atas Windows, uji coba jaringan gatekeeper, pengoperasian multiconferrence unit (MCU), serta set Internet teleponi gateway.
”Saya yakin peminat VoIP ala Onno ini akan cukup banyak, terutama di kalangan kelompok tertentu yang banyak menghabiskan waktu dengan Internet. Daripada menghabiskan waktu di depan dunia maya untuk hal yang tidak-tidak, kan lebih baik dipakai untuk berkomunikasi,” komentar Heru. (mer)